music : Mika - Lolipop
Well today is actually an ease day. did some survey at friendster (lol) but one out of two didin't come out. i don't know if its friendster's or mine actually, but all i know is, i've posted 2 survey, only one come out. naaah never mind that.
Kak nira came by to my house. luckily die datang because my kancil is now stucked in uncle han's workshop. D: tayar berasap lolol. i asked her permission to drove her yaris, to submit my application form at the 7e. of course the answer is a NO NO but she said that she will dropped me there if i do a survey on nokia n95, *die nak beli tu, jealous!* so i agreed. lagipun nak kne submit application form to asap, so nak tak nak kene jugak la.
3.00 pm 3rd Of April : I online for a moment, only to be amazed by satria neo variation, the Satria Neo R3. here's some pics i took from the web.

Lovely isn't it? The front bumper looks like satria GTi's bumper with some add-ons. not forget to mention, the performance is better than neo. sigh, if only the engine was campro CPS.
Hm, sometimes i felt like she deserved a much more better man. me, was not good enough for her. im not like rendah kan diri or whatever but seriously, i am damn lucky to have her.
12.00 am 3rd Of April : We have a fight again. Suprisingly, its not me who started it first. She send me a sarcastic message to me. Yeah im the reason why she felt like being lefted alone, and when she said that she sick of hearing me saying sorry over and over again, it kinda make me feel flustered. well after a long one hour call (yea super saver lol) we kinda back to normal. she laughed again, we talked much later on (super saver lagi XD) i hope that our relationship will remain forever eventhough that, is impossible. but what i've learned from adidas motto is impossible is nothing, and nike's just do it. yea just do it. pray for us.
Later minna.
roti TERbakar.
7e cashier boy? xD
jgn rendah diri sgt nnt nyesal =D
work hard, gambatte!
em, thanks oujo-sama "OTL
btw ni first time ko bagi comment yg mengharukan aku ;_;
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