music : Turin Brakes - Rain City
balik semalam lebih kurang pukul 6.15 pm. my kancil is stucked again in uncle han's workshop urgh D: here's the picture~

balik balik je terus tidor, prepare for the big night, big game lol.
then i woke up around 8.00 pm, solat maghrib, dinner and watch the ghost hunter at star world~ nice btw, is kinda scary - its really scary i mean u_u; at 10.30, i sms her for a while, pastu tertidor lagi D: then woke up around 0245 to watch Manchester United vs Barcelona. tgk ronaldo sepak penalti tak masok - the dummest thing ever. penalti tu dh mcm bg satu gol dh D: pastu tgk formation manchester yg pelik >_> then baru prasan maen kat nou camp lol. so boleh dimaafkan gak ah sebab rooney pun main tah pe pe kat postion yg tah pe pe tah. haishh. the game was damned bored and i feel kinda regret, better super saver bersama sama dia haha. lagi bes.
anyways, pagi ni kancil tak siap siap lagi so uncle han hantar kancil manual haha. memang laju ah bwak lol.

so dengan lajunya ku membawa kereta kancil tu ke office papa xDD
oh and yah, i find this while i surfing youtube xD
for me, this is so far the best acoustic version of tears don't fall, by bullet for my valentine. at first i was wondering why the hell there must be two vocal there. dh jd mcm boyband D: well the result is kinda waw for me, and if you guys have a better acoustic version of tears don't fall, pm me via ym ;D and it would be great if someone have hand of blood (bullet for my valentine) live version, dying to see one.
well maybe thats all for yesterday and today. jya minna
Roti TERbakar
keta ko rosak ke?
dh siap repair haha xD
tinggal nak tukar rim baru je orz
aiyo~adik, lgu apakah itu?sgt2 sesuai utk ak tido mse mata xmau tdo la =P
blog ko ade lagu ke??
patut la x dgr..
speaker off.
ni mesti sbb ko yg keta ko rosak.
well lagu tu lagu akustik k? kalau nk dga ori version pegi search kat youtube keyword : Tears Don't Fall. gerenti tak tdo punyeee xD
ape kne mengene ngan kete ak DDD:
wut i mean is ak rase sebab ko la keta ko rosak..
ni mesti bawa jolly ntah ke mn ni..haha
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