30 April, 2008
she said me said
music : Pari Pari Bawah Angin - Meet Uncle Hussein
She said she can't live without me. well i said to her can i live without you? she said that she afraid that i'll changed, well i said to her so do i. she said that her matrix's place is near by her house, well i said that my university is at perak ;D and then she sobbed, she cried. she said that she was happy that her matrix's place at her house, so she can easily go and date me, but now to hear that my university at perak, she felt terrible. well i can't do anything else other than trying to comfort her. right now she become more like fragile, easily cried. and i hate it. i really really hate to hear her, to listen her sadness. well to her suprise, i sang at her Pari Pari Bawah Angin (even i was suprised at myself xDD), which at camp when we switched hp, she became somehow attracted to this song. owh yah the lyric. lemme post here.
Pari Pari Bawah Angin
memaksa kita
berpisah bagi sementara
tak pernah ku pinta
tidak mampu merencana
takdir yang terlaksana
satu hati dihujung langit
satu itu sepuluh
sejauh bimasakti
cinta janji kembali
tinggalah pari pari
usah kau bersedih hati
ku percayakan mu
tinggalah pari pari
usah kau bersedih hati
ku akan kembali
terseksa batinnya
usah lagi kau titiskan air mata
nanti ku tersiksa jua
benar ia
benar benar menyiksakan
jika ini satu rintangan
harus kita teruskan..
satu hati dihujung langit
satu itu sepuluh
sejauh bimasakti
cinta janji kembali
tinggalah pari pari
usah kau bersedih hati
ku percayakan mu
tinggalah pari pari
usah kau bersedih hati
ku akan kembali
akan kembaliii
ku akan kembaliii~
later before that super saver spree, i went to HUKM, to visit mak su. well she pregnant, but somehow her child deformed. baru semalam la lahir. tadi baru dpat news yg baby tu dh tade DDDD: sad, for me i can't called it as that sad. im not crying either. rather i glad the baby passed away awal awal, kalau lambat, makin tua, makin syg ah kite kat budak tu then bile die passed away, mmg kite terase sgt sgt kan? lol emosi pulak gue XD
btw manchester menang XD bile tgk zambrotta's passed intercepted ngan scholes, i knew that that was the moment, Paul Scholes than shoot passed victor valdes to confirmed that manchester united will go to moscow XD gile lame x tgk scholes score goal mcmtu. so x sesia gak ah bgun pagi pagi bute (alarm lagu Her Voice Resides - BFMV, really helped me to wake up xD tak caye gi cari kat youtube) pastu call kakak turun bawah XD (kakak tgk ronaldo ngan owen je >_>) tapi mmg manchester maen semangat balik la ;D park ji sung's unpredictable pass kekadang buat teammate sndri tkjut cam scholes x sempat tarik bola ble kat dpan goal lols. pastu ronaldo pass O_O i was like, weh kakak, ronaldo pass dooowh.. so yeah, manchester menang. MANCHESTER UNITED MENANG WEH DORA. acap gi post baru weh, manchester dh menang lawan barca >:O
u_u; so ni je kot, later ne?
27 April, 2008
Music : Suffocating Under The Words Of Sorrow - Bullet For My Valentine
living alone is really not a good idea at first D: 3 days without internet and alone in my house was CRAP. it was a really damn boring, days for me.
thought it would be okay since later at 7.40pm on saturday there was a huge game. its manchester vs chelsea. later it turn out to be one of the WTH game u_u i mean the referee was okay but manchester just don't.. attack. u_u only goal from rooney that lighted up my night (i suppose) tapi rooney tak celebrate pun as die injured T.T
after that amal msg me. she wanted me to attend spam inc's meeting lols. lucky mama papa tinggal duet so ade ah duet gi cc smlm xDDD so meeting pun berjalan dgn lancar starting 10.00 pm to 1.00 am D: what was discussed is mainly about CF08 of course. pasal badges and stuff nk dijual lol. tapi idea tu sgt sgt la menarik so nk kumpul duit nk bli byk xDD unless kalau ade booth jual gunpla then sorry badges ;_; make sure if you guys coming at CF 2008, stop by at spam inc's booth, mmg byk animanga merchandise!! <333
well mama papa is on their way home right now. kakak msg me and told that derang singgah mkan kat tapah which is REALLY OMFG PAPA STOP AT RNR u_u sbb tu lmbat kot.. u.u
well thats all i ges u_u so later minna~
24 April, 2008
A Lack Of Colour.
music : Turin Brakes - Rain City
balik semalam lebih kurang pukul 6.15 pm. my kancil is stucked again in uncle han's workshop urgh D: here's the picture~

balik balik je terus tidor, prepare for the big night, big game lol.
then i woke up around 8.00 pm, solat maghrib, dinner and watch the ghost hunter at star world~ nice btw, is kinda scary - its really scary i mean u_u; at 10.30, i sms her for a while, pastu tertidor lagi D: then woke up around 0245 to watch Manchester United vs Barcelona. tgk ronaldo sepak penalti tak masok - the dummest thing ever. penalti tu dh mcm bg satu gol dh D: pastu tgk formation manchester yg pelik >_> then baru prasan maen kat nou camp lol. so boleh dimaafkan gak ah sebab rooney pun main tah pe pe kat postion yg tah pe pe tah. haishh. the game was damned bored and i feel kinda regret, better super saver bersama sama dia haha. lagi bes.
anyways, pagi ni kancil tak siap siap lagi so uncle han hantar kancil manual haha. memang laju ah bwak lol.

so dengan lajunya ku membawa kereta kancil tu ke office papa xDD
oh and yah, i find this while i surfing youtube xD
for me, this is so far the best acoustic version of tears don't fall, by bullet for my valentine. at first i was wondering why the hell there must be two vocal there. dh jd mcm boyband D: well the result is kinda waw for me, and if you guys have a better acoustic version of tears don't fall, pm me via ym ;D and it would be great if someone have hand of blood (bullet for my valentine) live version, dying to see one.
well maybe thats all for yesterday and today. jya minna
Roti TERbakar
23 April, 2008
lost and faunded.
music: Elliot Smith - Twilight
yoh minna~ im back posting some more post mmfufufufu~ well ade org wandering nape tak online~ the reason i didin't online & post recently isss....
→ shitmyx modem buat hal >_>
→ lalala kerjalah~
well actually sebab kerja-lah then only ade peluang nak online, sbb office papa ade internet (of course, fool. u_u) and sbb tu office papa, jadi boleh la slack off sket xD maen gem football manager lols u_u gaji masuk DD: felt guilty though, buuuuuttttt.... skjap je rase muahahaha >:)
annnddd early morning today, around 1.30 i called her~ yeah we get back to our usual self, i mean, its me who come back, usik usik sket lol xD (banyak, u_u) instead of gado gado, argue etc lols. and yah i do hope this will last forever, eventho there will be absolutely no way our relationship will remain sweet like peanut butter forever 8Db
pastu tgk chelsea seri hahaha. go manchester, blasah barca! ^O^/
thats all for
roti TERR-bakar.
05 April, 2008
23 degree & hopes.
music : Diana Ross & Luther Vandross - Endless Love
i'd say today's weather is quite lovely xD cloudy, the temperature is around 23 or smthing. for me this weather is perfect for today! sometimes when it always rain, we as normal human beings, will eventually fed up, cause it bored to see smthng very constant. we need some variations. and thats what im trying to do. main bola, pegi kejar kejar dgan simba, tangkap gamba simba~ to do all this stuff, well it kinda make me happy, sbb lame tak buat camni. but, its not smthng i must do ocassionally, really.
and guess what, our realtionship is getting better and better~ today, during this morning super saver spree (lol me xD) we sort things up, nyanyi same-same (LOL!) but yeah i think that, we back to normal us.. and my, what a relief! XD
haih, bangun pagi pagi dah kne marah D: but eventhough i started today with not-very-good mood, but it turn out to be okay, well maybe my mood is influenced by the weather, so its a good thing actually, to have this, cold, windy, cloudy weather right now :D
well my hope is that starting today, i will try my best to control my mood, tak ikut perasaan and stuffff, ya know? XD well must say that this weather have its own cons. im getting sleeppppyyy.. z_Z *yawn*
offf~ to bed!
roti ter-bakar
03 April, 2008
music : Mika - Lolipop
Well today is actually an ease day. did some survey at friendster (lol) but one out of two didin't come out. i don't know if its friendster's or mine actually, but all i know is, i've posted 2 survey, only one come out. naaah never mind that.
Kak nira came by to my house. luckily die datang because my kancil is now stucked in uncle han's workshop. D: tayar berasap lolol. i asked her permission to drove her yaris, to submit my application form at the 7e. of course the answer is a NO NO but she said that she will dropped me there if i do a survey on nokia n95, *die nak beli tu, jealous!* so i agreed. lagipun nak kne submit application form to asap, so nak tak nak kene jugak la.
3.00 pm 3rd Of April : I online for a moment, only to be amazed by satria neo variation, the Satria Neo R3. here's some pics i took from the web. www.paultan.org

Lovely isn't it? The front bumper looks like satria GTi's bumper with some add-ons. not forget to mention, the performance is better than neo. sigh, if only the engine was campro CPS.
Hm, sometimes i felt like she deserved a much more better man. me, was not good enough for her. im not like rendah kan diri or whatever but seriously, i am damn lucky to have her.
12.00 am 3rd Of April : We have a fight again. Suprisingly, its not me who started it first. She send me a sarcastic message to me. Yeah im the reason why she felt like being lefted alone, and when she said that she sick of hearing me saying sorry over and over again, it kinda make me feel flustered. well after a long one hour call (yea super saver lol) we kinda back to normal. she laughed again, we talked much later on (super saver lagi XD) i hope that our relationship will remain forever eventhough that, is impossible. but what i've learned from adidas motto is impossible is nothing, and nike's just do it. yea just do it. pray for us.
Later minna.
roti TERbakar.
02 April, 2008
one of many ways.
mood : random
music: Jason Lo - The Fall
yo everyone. this is maybe one of my many ways to release the boredom inside me. the more fun way to to tell others what i felt, my joy, my sadness, my, most of the things i past through that day. i wont say everything, because humans do need a secret kept by himself/herself.
so what i wanted to say about today is today just can’t bring out the hyper me. today is all about dark, bored, dull. i saw a walk in interview at 7e, so my sister said that, hey, why don’t you give it a try, moreover you don’t have anything to do at home, right? heh, so much for a reason, just say that you wanted to chat with your beloved kambeng. so in order to keep balancing the time for me and my sister to use the damned streamyx, and in order to pursuit the most lovable things on earth, th3 money, maybe i should get out of my life of idle-ness.
heh. sincerely done by,
roti terbakar.