aku nak pegi gak gathering tu.
tapi tak leh pegi >_>
tak dapat pegi >_>
balik kampung
for what?
and they having funnnnn DDDDDDDDDDDD:
26 January, 2009
23 January, 2009
music : Warm Cherry House - Laila's Lounge
mood : restless
aku setat post aku kali ini ngan perkataan yang agak emo dan keterlaluan sket.
fuck.bhabi. dan yg swaktu dgannye.
eh dh lame aku tak mencarut eh?
bagus bagus
skang ni la time yg paling sesuai untuk aku mencarut.
harap maklum
bz. bz x kne time.
isnin je dah quis.
slase pun quis.
argh. x logik x logik
2 hari berturut2 quis. lagi x logik die x ajar langsung bab tu.
mmg x logik.
sdgkan subjek tu LOGIC digital.
dh abes quis slase, ade quis math lak rabu.
mcm fuck.
sme aku lupe gare gare logic tu.
bukan quis je, asaimen x hengat dunie die bg.
rabu aku lucky sket
sbb testbahasa melayumath tu agak kacang
so aku expect leh dpat 10/10
so lege ah sket
then khamis pulak ade test.
kali ni chappie 4.
yang die tak pernah ajar.
pastu sesedap oren je die tuka jadual die ke depan
ke awal pagi maksud aku
so isnin sampai khamis kelas aku start pkul 8 pagi smpai 5 ptg.
dan nak ke kampus, kene naik bas pukul 7,
sbb jem mngambil masa satu jam nak sampai kampus.
sepanjang isnin slase rabu khamis tu tido aku tak cukup.
stadi nye pasal.
sampai nak update blog ni pun x smpat
sian sofhatun, dh janji ngan die nak upload vid Yuna wktu kat Youth 09 tuh
2nd-ly, protest aku dekat family aku
ya, ianya berterusan kembali.
malas nak cite, sorry.
dan aku punya la bz
sampai lupe bende yg buat aku excited cam budak kecik
scrapbook SPAM iNC khas ntuk ill3h a.k.a our MAMA!
die nak kahwin so.. u_u
well aku tlupe sal tu
when suddenly amal msg ari khames tuh
dah la bz gile babs, tmbh ngan scrapbook project lak orz
+ tade idea nk bwat pe
well to cut long story short
ari khamis tu lah aku setelkan sme bende, cari gamba, dl gamba, print gamba, potong, tampal
tinggal nak antar.
so aku pegi la jalan ke rumah amal
nampak dekat, act jao gile babs.
sial lan tol
so aku pun pegi ah smbung keje aku kat klcc haha u.u
pukul 8 40 lak tuh 8Db
then around 9.30 die dh balik rumah
so gi bg kat die orz
act malas nak tunggu lame2 sbb nk cpat, nk relax abes2
so taruk ah mnatang tu dpan lift u_u
tp well, sbb pnat aku duduk gak dpan tu orz
dan amal yg aku agak kebosanan pun lepak kat ctu
lpas pakse die naik 2-3 times u.u;
aku membebel ape tah kat die U_U;
well aku.. rase relieved
dan aku dh ubah pandangan aku kat amal
aku egt die dah despise aku gile gile bhabi dah
sbb aku tah cammane slalu buat die emosi
walaupun x bermaksud
well malam tu aku rase mungkin aku kott yg fikir truk sgt kott
so aku pulang lah dgn hati yg clear sket
tp aku sampai pukul 11.45 kat kolej >____>
gile ah
berjuta-juta lemon of thanks, oujo.
mood : restless
aku setat post aku kali ini ngan perkataan yang agak emo dan keterlaluan sket.
fuck.bhabi. dan yg swaktu dgannye.
eh dh lame aku tak mencarut eh?
bagus bagus
skang ni la time yg paling sesuai untuk aku mencarut.
harap maklum
bz. bz x kne time.
isnin je dah quis.
slase pun quis.
argh. x logik x logik
2 hari berturut2 quis. lagi x logik die x ajar langsung bab tu.
mmg x logik.
sdgkan subjek tu LOGIC digital.
dh abes quis slase, ade quis math lak rabu.
mcm fuck.
sme aku lupe gare gare logic tu.
bukan quis je, asaimen x hengat dunie die bg.
rabu aku lucky sket
sbb test
so aku expect leh dpat 10/10
so lege ah sket
then khamis pulak ade test.
kali ni chappie 4.
yang die tak pernah ajar.
pastu sesedap oren je die tuka jadual die ke depan
ke awal pagi maksud aku
so isnin sampai khamis kelas aku start pkul 8 pagi smpai 5 ptg.
dan nak ke kampus, kene naik bas pukul 7,
sbb jem mngambil masa satu jam nak sampai kampus.
sepanjang isnin slase rabu khamis tu tido aku tak cukup.
stadi nye pasal.
sampai nak update blog ni pun x smpat
sian sofhatun, dh janji ngan die nak upload vid Yuna wktu kat Youth 09 tuh
2nd-ly, protest aku dekat family aku
ya, ianya berterusan kembali.
malas nak cite, sorry.
dan aku punya la bz
sampai lupe bende yg buat aku excited cam budak kecik
scrapbook SPAM iNC khas ntuk ill3h a.k.a our MAMA!
die nak kahwin so.. u_u
well aku tlupe sal tu
when suddenly amal msg ari khames tuh
dah la bz gile babs, tmbh ngan scrapbook project lak orz
+ tade idea nk bwat pe
well to cut long story short
ari khamis tu lah aku setelkan sme bende, cari gamba, dl gamba, print gamba, potong, tampal
tinggal nak antar.
so aku pegi la jalan ke rumah amal
nampak dekat, act jao gile babs.
sial lan tol
so aku pun pegi ah smbung keje aku kat klcc haha u.u
pukul 8 40 lak tuh 8Db
then around 9.30 die dh balik rumah
so gi bg kat die orz
act malas nak tunggu lame2 sbb nk cpat, nk relax abes2
so taruk ah mnatang tu dpan lift u_u
tp well, sbb pnat aku duduk gak dpan tu orz
dan amal yg aku agak kebosanan pun lepak kat ctu
lpas pakse die naik 2-3 times u.u;
aku membebel ape tah kat die U_U;
well aku.. rase relieved
dan aku dh ubah pandangan aku kat amal
aku egt die dah despise aku gile gile bhabi dah
sbb aku tah cammane slalu buat die emosi
walaupun x bermaksud
well malam tu aku rase mungkin aku kott yg fikir truk sgt kott
so aku pulang lah dgn hati yg clear sket
tp aku sampai pukul 11.45 kat kolej >____>
gile ah
berjuta-juta lemon of thanks, oujo.
10 January, 2009
Its Gonna Rain!
mood : happy
ive prepared already
ive know that today's gonna be a blast
it really blast me.
really, really.
this is one hell of saturday
this is i say, will be my longest post evar
woke up around 10, mandi2, bertolak around 10.30
went to college to pick up burn, adib and fazlan
because of the insanity of the cars
plus the burning sun
and my short level of patient
i decided to use the DUKE Highway
(Duta-Ulu Kelang) as i saw many cars are alrdy running on the highway
yes, it is opened.
kene turun ikut simpang sentul
so there.
and once again because of im an impatient man when i drive,
terlepas simpang ke PWTC >_>
somehow we sampai jugak
enjoy there
buy some t-shets and merchandises
and i soooo wan a PS3 DDD:
its freaking awesome DDD:
PES2009 is like 10x better than ps2's orz
manage to buli burn XD
and jumpe imtiyaz! O_O
well sof ade bgtau yg die akn dtg sbb nk tgk im
kakak yg baik lols
so egt dpt jumpe sof
tgk2 sof yg tak dtg lg, jumpe im
sembang2 jap
then sambung window sopping haha
jumpe booth yg ade lomo cams "OTL
sheet ah orz orz
all types of lomo sold there "orz
i wan moneeeyyy
and kakak still hutang me >_>
then waktu tga cuci2 mata
ade org tepuk blakang
and to my suprise, its ARIF SHAH!
the last person i'd expect to be there lol
teman awek die hahaha
all the way from seremban
at 2 kami pulang
lepas hantar mereka2, call papa mama
mama cakap, "Kami dh dekat tol Rawang dh,"
*Oh ya.. kluar makan..*
Oh, aizat dh otw nak balik rumah dah
*Yes, i told them id be home at 7 smthng, at least that was my aprximation*
"Tapi kami dh kt highway dah.."
Then aizat tunggu la, papa sampai nnt aizat pegi ah tmpat papa mama makan
"Haa.. Emm. Nnt Mama confirm balik"
So i, sitting there in my car.
tu la, td derang dh ajak makan, gi decline, nak balik rumah sgt
start the car, roam around there
padahal dekat gile ngan kolej
malu nak balik kolej, nnt pe la bebudak tu ckap lak
and found a lake garden.
parked the car
listen to my Creative Zen
so, what will you do when you are alone?
random random pics.
hour later, no news whatsoever.
so i call mama
her reply was -
"Mama dekat Cheras ni"
Ohh, nnt aizat per-
"Jauhh aizat.. Papa pun berpusing2 cari jalan.."
*Tanak la tu..*
Ala takpe lar, pepandai lah aizat
"Nnt sesat.. Aizat pi la balik dulu, ade kunci kan?"
Tak bawak lak
"Hm. Tinggal la kat office papa dulu ok? Nnt mama bungk-"
Takpa lah, aizat cari makan sendiri lah - selambe je aku potong.
"Aizat nak masak ape?"
Masak? Masuk rumah pun tak boleh..
Aizat gi mcD ah, lgpun dh lame tak makan mcD. dari semalam duk asek egt mcD
"Em. Ok"
--[end call]--
terus aku letak.
*Fckng cars.*
marah. emosi.
and i misjudge a car speed.
which caused me.
bukan je x dpt potong
malah x dpt masuk simpang ke highway
pasal satu kereta je. haiss.
pusing jalan duta
masuk ikut duta vista
teringat time antar si rafique kt ctu aritu
then masuk ikut bukit tunku
ahh. the good ol' days.
dh lame tak masuk
dulu darjah 4 slalu la kluar masuk tmpat ni
and i barely remember the roads
bersimpang siur beb
and 9 years later, for sure byk big changes
tembus dkat terminal duta
then pegi highway
kenapa orang tak puas hati bila Kancil memotong mereka?
lagi lagi Honda Accord. tak pun Civic. tak pun Perdana
dh tak bg jalan, jd aku potong ikut kiri
dh la selo
then suddenly bwak laju
nmpak sgt
i planned to exit at sg buloh,
continue my way to Kundang, stop to eat mcD at a gas station near Kundang
then balik rumah terus
so bila nk masuk simpang tu
those cars potong la dgn bangge nye.
bila si Civic potong, the front passenger show me her middle finger.
i signaled an 10 seconds later, i potong the 3 cars
by some rude and dangerous maneuver
serve them right.
hais, pasal marah punya pasal, terlepas mcd.
kebuloq punya pasal, aku pegi buat 2 kerja, pergi ke kundang balik.
dan bila sampai ke Country Homes
lepak dekat taman Fasa 3.
rushing pun tade gunenye.
bukan leh masuk rumah pun.
snape some pictures lagi
before fell asleep.
woke up around 5.30
and went home.
bukak gate
bukak kasut, stokin.
and waste time dgn bola.
main bola pakai jeans wey
ahh, satu bende yg dri kecik aku nak buat
baring atas jalan.
so baring la lepas penat sepak2 bola tu
bukan ada orang pun
rase panas jalan tar tuh
pastu tgk langit yg gelap gile babs tuh
bau hujan dh makin kuat
tunggu taim je
i laughed hard when i remember the last time ive done this things
back at Federal Hill in 1997 if im not mistaken
standard one.
sekarang sudah masa untuk hujan
dh denga dari jao, ade bunyi angin
gile kuat. seram giler.
and its raining now.
duduk le atas buaian
kriuk kriak kriuk kriak
basah lenjun aku.
baru prasan
tingkap tak tutup >_>
pintu sme kunci tapi tingkap tak tutup orz
so aku lah penceroboh tanah sendiri.
go upstairs and terus tulis this post.
i dont know whether to call it a fun day or a freaky day
but today is memorable.
when ure alone, ure tend to remember things
that u act forgot it long long ago
its not necessary to be happy memories tho
and yet u'll smile.
at the lake garden.
random pictures #2 - those tired feet
youth 09!
and its all mineee!
cerah di taman Fasa 3
sblah lagi gelap. and its 5 o'clock
bola! pnat main bola
its been a hell day
and now, the creepy nights come.
music : Yuugao - Mamiko Noto
ive prepared already
ive know that today's gonna be a blast
it really blast me.
really, really.
this is one hell of saturday
this is i say, will be my longest post evar
woke up around 10, mandi2, bertolak around 10.30
went to college to pick up burn, adib and fazlan
because of the insanity of the cars
plus the burning sun
and my short level of patient
i decided to use the DUKE Highway
(Duta-Ulu Kelang) as i saw many cars are alrdy running on the highway
yes, it is opened.
kene turun ikut simpang sentul
so there.
and once again because of im an impatient man when i drive,
terlepas simpang ke PWTC >_>
somehow we sampai jugak
enjoy there
buy some t-shets and merchandises
and i soooo wan a PS3 DDD:
its freaking awesome DDD:
PES2009 is like 10x better than ps2's orz
manage to buli burn XD
and jumpe imtiyaz! O_O
well sof ade bgtau yg die akn dtg sbb nk tgk im
kakak yg baik lols
so egt dpt jumpe sof
tgk2 sof yg tak dtg lg, jumpe im
sembang2 jap
then sambung window sopping haha
jumpe booth yg ade lomo cams "OTL
sheet ah orz orz
all types of lomo sold there "orz
i wan moneeeyyy
and kakak still hutang me >_>
then waktu tga cuci2 mata
ade org tepuk blakang
and to my suprise, its ARIF SHAH!
the last person i'd expect to be there lol
teman awek die hahaha
all the way from seremban
at 2 kami pulang
lepas hantar mereka2, call papa mama
mama cakap, "Kami dh dekat tol Rawang dh,"
*Oh ya.. kluar makan..*
Oh, aizat dh otw nak balik rumah dah
*Yes, i told them id be home at 7 smthng, at least that was my aprximation*
"Tapi kami dh kt highway dah.."
Then aizat tunggu la, papa sampai nnt aizat pegi ah tmpat papa mama makan
"Haa.. Emm. Nnt Mama confirm balik"
So i, sitting there in my car.
tu la, td derang dh ajak makan, gi decline, nak balik rumah sgt
start the car, roam around there
padahal dekat gile ngan kolej
malu nak balik kolej, nnt pe la bebudak tu ckap lak
and found a lake garden.
parked the car
listen to my Creative Zen
so, what will you do when you are alone?
random random pics.
hour later, no news whatsoever.
so i call mama
her reply was -
"Mama dekat Cheras ni"
Ohh, nnt aizat per-
"Jauhh aizat.. Papa pun berpusing2 cari jalan.."
*Tanak la tu..*
Ala takpe lar, pepandai lah aizat
"Nnt sesat.. Aizat pi la balik dulu, ade kunci kan?"
Tak bawak lak
"Hm. Tinggal la kat office papa dulu ok? Nnt mama bungk-"
Takpa lah, aizat cari makan sendiri lah - selambe je aku potong.
"Aizat nak masak ape?"
Masak? Masuk rumah pun tak boleh..
Aizat gi mcD ah, lgpun dh lame tak makan mcD. dari semalam duk asek egt mcD
"Em. Ok"
--[end call]--
terus aku letak.
*Fckng cars.*
marah. emosi.
and i misjudge a car speed.
which caused me.
bukan je x dpt potong
malah x dpt masuk simpang ke highway
pasal satu kereta je. haiss.
pusing jalan duta
masuk ikut duta vista
teringat time antar si rafique kt ctu aritu
then masuk ikut bukit tunku
ahh. the good ol' days.
dh lame tak masuk
dulu darjah 4 slalu la kluar masuk tmpat ni
and i barely remember the roads
bersimpang siur beb
and 9 years later, for sure byk big changes
tembus dkat terminal duta
then pegi highway
kenapa orang tak puas hati bila Kancil memotong mereka?
lagi lagi Honda Accord. tak pun Civic. tak pun Perdana
dh tak bg jalan, jd aku potong ikut kiri
dh la selo
then suddenly bwak laju
nmpak sgt
i planned to exit at sg buloh,
continue my way to Kundang, stop to eat mcD at a gas station near Kundang
then balik rumah terus
so bila nk masuk simpang tu
those cars potong la dgn bangge nye.
bila si Civic potong, the front passenger show me her middle finger.
i signaled an 10 seconds later, i potong the 3 cars
by some rude and dangerous maneuver
serve them right.
hais, pasal marah punya pasal, terlepas mcd.
kebuloq punya pasal, aku pegi buat 2 kerja, pergi ke kundang balik.
dan bila sampai ke Country Homes
lepak dekat taman Fasa 3.
rushing pun tade gunenye.
bukan leh masuk rumah pun.
snape some pictures lagi
before fell asleep.
woke up around 5.30
and went home.
bukak gate
bukak kasut, stokin.
and waste time dgn bola.
main bola pakai jeans wey
ahh, satu bende yg dri kecik aku nak buat
baring atas jalan.
so baring la lepas penat sepak2 bola tu
bukan ada orang pun
rase panas jalan tar tuh
pastu tgk langit yg gelap gile babs tuh
bau hujan dh makin kuat
tunggu taim je
i laughed hard when i remember the last time ive done this things
back at Federal Hill in 1997 if im not mistaken
standard one.
sekarang sudah masa untuk hujan
dh denga dari jao, ade bunyi angin
gile kuat. seram giler.
and its raining now.
duduk le atas buaian
kriuk kriak kriuk kriak
basah lenjun aku.
baru prasan
tingkap tak tutup >_>
pintu sme kunci tapi tingkap tak tutup orz
so aku lah penceroboh tanah sendiri.
go upstairs and terus tulis this post.
i dont know whether to call it a fun day or a freaky day
but today is memorable.
when ure alone, ure tend to remember things
that u act forgot it long long ago
its not necessary to be happy memories tho
and yet u'll smile.

its been a hell day
and now, the creepy nights come.
random #1
//here is where ill put some random things//
it was in mid 1997 if im not mistaken
9, Jalan Negeri Sembilan Selatan, Federal Hill
menjadi kelaziman untuk aku main basikal ptang ptang
dulu adalah abang nak meneman
pergi pusing pusing satu bukit tu.
well Jalan Negeri Sembilan Selatan ni actually satu roundabout
yg kat tgah2 die byk rumah
so kami akan pusing satu kawasan tu lar
hari tu abang takde.
die gi sekolah
standard 2 kat Sekolah Sultan Hishamuddin Alam Shah sesi ptg.
i cycled alone.
then someone called my name
its Atiqah, my neighbour.
chubby, cheerful, active giler
usually kakak, Anwar (her bro), me, podin and Atiqah will walk, or jog, or play basketball, or badminton together.
so that day kami je ler
dont remember where Anwar and kakak whereabouts
we talked and laugh, and yada yada, kids, yknow.
and sampai dkat ngan rumah die balik.
i said see you tomorrow
she replied i ll be leaving the day after tomorrow.
she is going to US for 5 years
and, i don't really sure what i said to her
but she was really, really upset. marah. nak nangis
menangis kot, tapi die betul betul marah
yes, she was crying when she running back to her house
i called her but she just run
i felt guilty, tremendously
try to chase her by using my bike
tah cmner ranting kayu tersekat kat jaring2 basikal tu
tgn kiri tersepit. meraung tak hengat ah
and after quite sometime i.. sleep
mcm tu je. u_u
then bukak mata.
directly at the sky
the orange-ish sky.
its sunset now.
and i laughed.
i forgot what happened tho next.
what happened at atiqah.
but i remember, the day when she left
i was there too. but nothing happened.
either i forgot to apologize
or she dont remember what happened.
and for what happen later 5 years? i moved already
to Rawang.
last time i saw her was in 2007, when SPM is over edi
somehow papa bawak kami jalan2 rumah lama
when we saw aunty Lina tgah duduk atas kerusi kayu
dkat halaman rumah die
so we dropped by
and there she is, turun tangga
and my oh my..
she is soooo pweety
i mean like
dulu - pendek, chubby
now - same height as mine, slim, model lyke. rambut lurus evntho blond-ish
well aku tak tego dulu
gile ah
segan ah beb.
when aunty Lina point at me and asked her
"Tiqah kenai tak ni sapa?"
"Aizat kan?"
oh. DIE INGAT T.T!!!
sgt trharu lols
and aunty Lina still cakap pelat utara
and yeah, rumah die still byk kucheng.
dan perabot2 yg sgt humongous!
Anwar pun still igt kakak
tak silap Anwar tu first love kakak kot
truly, memory is something really, really nice.
it was in mid 1997 if im not mistaken
9, Jalan Negeri Sembilan Selatan, Federal Hill
menjadi kelaziman untuk aku main basikal ptang ptang
dulu adalah abang nak meneman
pergi pusing pusing satu bukit tu.
well Jalan Negeri Sembilan Selatan ni actually satu roundabout
yg kat tgah2 die byk rumah
so kami akan pusing satu kawasan tu lar
hari tu abang takde.
die gi sekolah
standard 2 kat Sekolah Sultan Hishamuddin Alam Shah sesi ptg.
i cycled alone.
then someone called my name
its Atiqah, my neighbour.
chubby, cheerful, active giler
usually kakak, Anwar (her bro), me, podin and Atiqah will walk, or jog, or play basketball, or badminton together.
so that day kami je ler
dont remember where Anwar and kakak whereabouts
we talked and laugh, and yada yada, kids, yknow.
and sampai dkat ngan rumah die balik.
i said see you tomorrow
she replied i ll be leaving the day after tomorrow.
she is going to US for 5 years
and, i don't really sure what i said to her
but she was really, really upset. marah. nak nangis
menangis kot, tapi die betul betul marah
yes, she was crying when she running back to her house
i called her but she just run
i felt guilty, tremendously
try to chase her by using my bike
tah cmner ranting kayu tersekat kat jaring2 basikal tu
tgn kiri tersepit. meraung tak hengat ah
and after quite sometime i.. sleep
mcm tu je. u_u
then bukak mata.
directly at the sky
the orange-ish sky.
its sunset now.
and i laughed.
i forgot what happened tho next.
what happened at atiqah.
but i remember, the day when she left
i was there too. but nothing happened.
either i forgot to apologize
or she dont remember what happened.
and for what happen later 5 years? i moved already
to Rawang.
last time i saw her was in 2007, when SPM is over edi
somehow papa bawak kami jalan2 rumah lama
when we saw aunty Lina tgah duduk atas kerusi kayu
dkat halaman rumah die
so we dropped by
and there she is, turun tangga
and my oh my..
she is soooo pweety
i mean like
dulu - pendek, chubby
now - same height as mine, slim, model lyke. rambut lurus evntho blond-ish
well aku tak tego dulu
gile ah
segan ah beb.
when aunty Lina point at me and asked her
"Tiqah kenai tak ni sapa?"
"Aizat kan?"
oh. DIE INGAT T.T!!!
sgt trharu lols
and aunty Lina still cakap pelat utara
and yeah, rumah die still byk kucheng.
dan perabot2 yg sgt humongous!
Anwar pun still igt kakak
tak silap Anwar tu first love kakak kot
truly, memory is something really, really nice.
09 January, 2009
mp3 available!
ive added the mp3 function
it contains random songs
of what ive always listening
dalam bas atau dalam bilik
not all
as i decided not to put any metal songs there u.u;;
so enjoy ^_~b
u can always press the pause button tho u.u;
ive added the mp3 function
it contains random songs
of what ive always listening
dalam bas atau dalam bilik
not all
as i decided not to put any metal songs there u.u;;
so enjoy ^_~b
u can always press the pause button tho u.u;
bes perg fest
i wanna escape.
//press [esc] button//
something wrong somewhere. hmm.
evntho this week is like
normal, okay, enjoyable
i dunno.
makan? ckup je
smyg? ckup gak
tido .. erm ckup ah kot
mandi? siap mandi air panas hahaha xD
men game ? dh byk sgt dh game abis
study? study gak. bes pe math ajaran Uncle Din lolol
tapi tah ler.
ade satu perasaan tak best.
mmg tak best.
sgt sgt tak best.
something wrong somewhere.
well~ besok pergi Youth Festival 2009!
/*dh dl + print free pass! hooray! XD/*
/*act its a priority pass u.u;*/
so besok ade gigs and stuff
ade paintball tournament, 1v1 basketball tournament
dn lain2 xgames.
sounds like im going to have fun tomolow~
and sunday too xD
well i hope so u.u;
will post pics if i manage to snap some~~

and oh ya, taj it sebnar gun bahas separ separ.
-roti terbakar-
//press [esc] button//
something wrong somewhere. hmm.
evntho this week is like
normal, okay, enjoyable
i dunno.
makan? ckup je
smyg? ckup gak
tido .. erm ckup ah kot
mandi? siap mandi air panas hahaha xD
men game ? dh byk sgt dh game abis
study? study gak. bes pe math ajaran Uncle Din lolol
tapi tah ler.
ade satu perasaan tak best.
mmg tak best.
sgt sgt tak best.
something wrong somewhere.
well~ besok pergi Youth Festival 2009!
/*dh dl + print free pass! hooray! XD/*
/*act its a priority pass u.u;*/
so besok ade gigs and stuff
ade paintball tournament, 1v1 basketball tournament
dn lain2 xgames.
sounds like im going to have fun tomolow~
and sunday too xD
well i hope so u.u;
will post pics if i manage to snap some~~

and oh ya, taj it sebnar gun bahas separ separ.
-roti terbakar-
02 January, 2009
Malaysia is Malaysia.
mood : AWESOME
music : Jam Project - Rocks!
music : Jam Project - Rocks!
today is AWESOME
i mean freak.
okay, i woke up around 7 am
which is quite early for a 3 hours sleep U_u
*anime mega-marathon lol xD*
and class start around 9
so woke up
naik bas and off to campus
today's class is Math
and its an EPIC 3 HOURS LOL
and after 9.30
lecturer tak masuk =_=XX
so BURN ajak gi CC
huh? CC mane?
CC kat PSZ (Perpustakaan Zaharah w/e it called xD)
so pegi la CC u_u;
read some blogs
which most of them are updated
except for mine ahahaha
congrats. happy new year
ah and fyi, my new year celebration SUQ BIG TIME
well i went back to rawang
by public transportation lols
papa too bz to pick me up, which i expected edi haha
i arrived at central around 11 am
and somehow, i felt that rafique and bob will hasut me to play dota u_u;
so i cucuk the atm u.u;
when suddenly
"Hey you!"
"Yes, you, the baju Malay-you guy"
And i saw a woman waving at me
beside her was her husband or boyfriend, i think
American kot
What The ...
then suddenly that man stand beside me
"Hurry, take our picture,"
Where's the camera? was my question.
*and i asked politely too u//u*
and i Huhhh? back at him
and he said
"No, she'll take picture of us"
and that woman say "smile~" and snap
*sempat tunjuk peace v(^_^);;;*
seeing i was like
. . . .
"Its hard to find a malay guy wearing Baju Malay-yew eh?"
Huh? Ye-yeah
"And you're using an Ipod!" that woman seems suprised u_uX
Huh? Whaddyu mean by that u_u;;;;;;;
"No I was just suprised~~"
*Wha- Im listening to music and somehow that get u excited? u_uXX*
"Say, thank you and im sure happy to have a picture with a Malay-yew" added that man u_u;
Er- sure, no prob
Well that sure is weird
and right now im sitting inside the KTM
kerusi takde is WTF
like, sebelah kanan ade, sebelah kiri tade
so duduk bersila lah
and im installing Dynasty Warriors 6
sbb boring.
and then
"Hey, its the Malay-yew guy!"
O.. M.. G..
"wow i thought inside the bag is books~" Referring to the HP bag
No, its a laptop bag. Why does books is inside that bag, instead of LAPTOP?
"No-no, no hard feeling but i was like, WOW"
Yea i know im the only one using a laptop inside a train..
"Plus, ure a Malay-yew guy, wearing a Bajew Malay-yew, listening to an Ipod, using a laptop!"
Oh, h-ha-hahaha
"Nice meeting you, Malay-yew guy~"
Yea, me too. Have fun
issit because of the Baju Melayu? U_u;
salah ke huh?
or issit weird for me, wearing a Baju MALAY-YEW? u_u;
well i dont see they wearing a tux or what
.. u_u;
eh sdap btol nenek ni tido
lentok abes kepale die
seb baek kerusi byk kosong
er makcik, makcik nak gi mane?
"HAH??! Eh aku tau la mane aku pegi, jangan la kacau! eii.. gile pe budak ni"
. . . . . . . . . u________________u
bapak segan sial >_>
and i tot all obaa-san in Malaysia are nice and berbudi bahasa >_>
what? Malaysia shud be a beautiful countries, full of tourist, people are all nice,
berbudi bahasa and stuff. shudnt it?
well that. is a different story. i ges.
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