29 September, 2008

another kind of green

mood : sunyi XD
music : Split Screen Sadness - John Mayer

"All you need is love is a lie cause
We had love but we still said goodbye
Now we're tired, battered fighters

And it stings when it's nobody's fault
Cause there's nothing to blame at the drop of your name
It's only the air you took and the breath you left

Maybe I'll sleep inside my coat and
Wait on the porch 'til you come back home
Oh, right
I can't find a flight
So I'll check the weather wherever you are
Cause I wanna know if you can see the stars tonight
It might be my only right

We share the sadness
Split screen sadness"

Sunday, September 28, 2008

mama, papa, aizati, abang, kak zura dah balik kampung
awal awal lagi dah bertolak
lepas sahur
well aku kene tinggal
jage akak
(or maybe akak yang jage aku lols)
akak keje malam
kat hsbc
12pm smpai 12am
isnin last day
slase die cuti
so slase btolak balik kampung
tinggal la kami berdua
sangat sunyi orz
benci ah
even kami yg biseng ni tatau nak cakap pe
senyap je
then keluar
akak nak beli contact lens
beli dvd
3 skali xD
accuracy of death, dark knight, sepi u_u
accuracy of death ade chineese je sub
nak sgt tgk cte tu >_>
so tgk sepi
as dark knight dh tgk
kakak je x tgk lg
khabir bhatia sgt unik kepale otak die
i mean
lain dari pengarah kat malaysia ni haha
bukak puase~
tade ape ape dh

Monday, September 29, 2008

online kul 12pg
bace blog blog
tade byk sgt update orz
bace manga =D
pun sket je yg update u.u
then kacau sue XD
baru je balik dari ou
sopping kut
chat smpai kul 3.30 pg orz
sian die XD
well die yg asek
'eh sue x kacau ke?'
so mesti ah aku jawab x u_u
even aku agak ngantok xD
tp menghilangkan rase buhsan
dn die x leh tdo
well we chat bout lot of things xD
die tak pasan dh pkul 3.30 xD
then aku cakap nk gi masak as dh dkat sahur
pegi la
masak telur mate kerbau XD
then kejut akak
tgk mcm2 aznil
and gelakgulengguleng XD
skang aku faham nape org suke tgk lul
dulu aku mcm wtf
tapi bile tgk mcm
or maybe its because im bored
tah la 8D
then gi dota XD
ngan rafique ngan ziqrie ngan bob XD
bes bes
agak pro pade hari ni (YOSH! XD)
then naik online~.. u_u
japg bukak pose sorg sorg XD
aku tatau nak mkan pe
dh ah duet ilang orz
50 hengget lak tu >_>
i will survive!
mmg bosan bile sorg sorg
and aku still tade sape
untuk lepaskan bosan aku XD
boosssann u_u;;

dan tetibe aku asek dga john mayer xDDD
bes haha


"I called
I just
Need to feel you on the line
Don't hang up this time"

27 September, 2008

bitter yet sweet. sour is all to forget

mood : optimistic XD
music : Colors - Flow

i need a change. u_u
and immediately.
i need more sooonnggg orz orz orz
orang dh start panggil aku jiwa kacau
well of course sbb aku asek pasang
lagu children of bodom xD
in flames xD
slayers xD

aku nak dga lagu lainnnn!
(Avenged Sevenfold?)
that mainstream? NO WAI.
(Bullet For My Valentine?)
dh dga lame dh! lgpun nak dga lagu selo2 pulak
(well try Jason Mraz)
that is so boring. slalu sgt dga dh
(-insert some random korean-?)
(... pegi ah cari sendiri)

i realize
how i can survive without others!
which is great!!!
(huh? baru tau skrang???? "OTL)
maybe i depends on others so much
now i understand
that since sometimes ago
aku dah tade sape ape ape dh xD
only me and myself
struggling to survive
in this damn world!
ganbatte kudasai! XD
(really a loser who cheer for himself orz orz orz)

ah btw
today is kakak's bday!! XD
happy bday kakak!
slamat menjadi tue lagi staun!
(yay kakak dah tua kerepot x lame lagi melayut+menggelebehignorethisonemwahaha)
slamat 23 taon kakak!
nombor bekam =D

Wednesday, 24th September 2008
need a break
nak enjoy pulak
jadi bila saja kawan ku si arip ajak sopping baju raye
aku dgan hati yang agak becelaru menerime nye~
maka terjadi la satu outing yg becelaru xD
midvalley tempat yang dituju!
putra lrt penggangkutan yang dinaiki!

bertolak dalam pukul 3 ptg~
sampai dlam pkol 5 8D
pegi jalan jalan jap
tgk baju
then gi pets wonderland xD
(mmg sah x de keje u.u)
gi berbukak kat carl's jr! <3333333
habis satu jam lebih nak habiskan beger je u_u;
then bowling xD
kalah teruk as usual XDDDDD;
so there u_u
betolak balik pukul 11 mlam orz
mmg bes x3

tapi that night
i really felt lonely again hais
kenape aku je x abis abis rase mende ni
im sick of it D:
bila seseorang di soal
samada mahukah dia mengulang masa
dan dia cakap 'tamau!!'
maka semestinya dia seorang yg bodoh tahap karma
walaupun bende tu mustahil
tapi tu macam menunjukkan yang dia redha
dan tak kesah akan kesilapan dia
tapi aku
at least aku nak tukar
tanak ulang dah
kalau x leh ulang masa pun
aku try gak x nak ulang
x paham? 8DDDDDD;
lupakan then
the theory
Toasted Bread's First Law of Living
amat susah nak dipahami sebenarnye u_u
jadi jgn gusar kalau anda x paham post kali ni u_u;

so the pictures?
confirm ade punye!
its the matter of malas atau rajin je xD;
well aku sgt rajin lololol >///<

roti ter-Bakar

hari fotografi kelas

frieeessss <3333


friesssss <33333 [2]

ke sengalan di sentral [1]

ke sengalan di sentral [2]
ade kage bushin u_u;;

taggggged lagi u_u;

tagged by dora de demented~

" What does your name say about you?"

[ and do tag people after you are done! ]

A : You like to drink.
B : You like people.
C : You are really silly.
D : You like to eat.
E : You like to play with cat.
F : You are dead sexy.
G : You never let people tell you what to do.
H : You have a very good personality and good looks.
I : Easy to be with.
J : People Adore you.
K : You're wild and crazy.
L : Everyone loves you.
M : Best kisser ever.
N : Best bf/gf anyone could ask for.
O : Easy to fall in love with.
P : You are popular with all types of people.
Q : You are a hypocrite.
R : You're loyal to those you love.
S : Fuckin crazy.
T : Awesome kisser.
U : You really like to chill.
V : Awesome in bed
W : You are very broad minded.
X : You love sports.
Y : Best bf/gf anyone could ask for.
Z : Always ready.

my name is SAIFUL
(although some close friends call me aizat or pojat or ukejat u_U;;

S : Fuckin crazy. (coorrrreecccttt!! XDDDD)
A : You like to drink. (WRONG!)
I : Easy to be with. (ORLY? XD)
U : You really like to chill. (omg how d'you know? u///u)
L : Everyone loves you. (no freaking way xD)

amal najaa a.k.a ms spm + plkn afterward! (yep ur first!)
jaein a.k.a ms spm #2!
ili a.k.a ms byk asai + bz
mE a.k.a ... u_u xmau cakap tapi kau kne blanje next time jumpe xD

u_u; dh tade org orz

24 September, 2008


im tagged (again) orz

State 15 weird things/ habits/ little known facts about yourself.
The 10 people I tag are to then to follow my footsteps and write their own 15 weird things/habits and little known facts.

[15 is just to many demmit.]
[and 10 pepol is "OTL]

→ I listen to raw stuff. Thats include death metal
→ Very Good Living GPS =D jarang sesat xD
→ annoying luls.
→ I <333333333 GUNDAMU.
→ but i hate cosmic era gundam XD
→ I Love Sukuru Ramburu!
→ needed smone to listen (unfortunately dun ave any xD)
→ I can drive, but i prefer duduk sebelah driver and navigate xD
→ and I drive fast, recklessly.
→ Kuey Teow Lakna is my new addiction
→ some pepol even call me desu desu chan XD (bdak 5Z orz)
→ good in counter strike [name? desu-desu chan!] XD
→ I <333333333 anything about car!
→ even think about automotive engineering year ago orz

I'm tagging:
- dora the emon~
- makcik sarina~
- acap (woi buat la D:)
- abdul alip (kalau kau bace ah)
- nanaloly~ (die bace ke u.u;)
- .. woi sume dh kne tag =_=

roti terbakar

aku perlukan seseorang
aku memang perlukan
walaupun aku
dah tau yang takkan ade
dengan janji janji manis
aku dah agak
apsal aku mengharap?

malam tu
aku balik bilik
setelah penat karaoke, buat asaimen,
memasak, makan, gelak gelak,
lepak lepak kat bilik didi (daus).
"1st time aku rase kau lame kat bilik aku pul,"
aku terkedu.
pastu sambung buat bising
gelakkan didi
dan abangnya haha
kaver la konon
betul la gak
selame ni
aku ade je orang teman
aku dah bahagia sgt sgt
untuk hilangkan kesunyian
aku lepak bilik orang
yang jarang sekali aku lakukan
hm dh dekat sejam pastu
aku masuk bilik
baring atas katil
bilik gelap je
rumet cam biase ah
pegi bilik kawan
aku baring atas katil
pejam mata


tak boleh tidur
baru aku tau betape sunyinya aku sebenarnya
katil tu
rase sangat besar
malam yang panas tu
jadi sejuk sangat
jadi sayu tetibe
dah lame aku tak rase camni
mmg sedih
tak de sape sape
asal aku tak leh tido?
aku x ngantok?
gile dah pukul brape dah ni
aku dengar
bilik sebelah main euro 2008
bising je
asal semua meriah?
aku je yang kelam?
aku benci
aku penuh ngan hatred tahap karma
dah lame aku tak rasa sunyi
megi tom yam cup
pinjam rumet punye air panas haha
bukan die ade pun
dh abis masak
makan dengan selow nye
megi yang aku tau sentiase masin
tetiba jadi tawar
tawar amat
sentiase je aku taruk cukup je air
rasenye terlebih 'air' kot
bile mase air terlebih?
waktu makan tadi?
memang tak sangka
betapa satu malam tu boleh jadi panjang sangat
5 minit macam 5 hari
5 jam?
5 taun.

dah 5 tahun.
sejak first time aku kenal die.
die yang kenalkan aku
dunia, kehidupan sosial,
dan x kurang juga kesedihan
tahap dewata
yang menghantui aku sampai sekarang.


siapa apa
yang teman aku sekarang?
dh takboleh gune dah
kalau kat rumah,
dey, sedarlah
aku dah takde sape.

roti terbakar

23 September, 2008

a whisper

mood : twisted logic
music : Talk - Coldplay

aku hilang
macam macam sgt
hari ni sial.

pendrive aku yang baru beli hilang
dengan segale maha asaimen yang aku dah siapkan.
semua hilang
kunci yang di gantung bersame same turut hilang
utk mendapat kembali kunci tu
25 ringgit terpaksa hilang
benci ah
belari dari tingkat 4 (lab)
hingga bilik seminar 7
maka aku berlari ke tingkat 4 pulak
aku hampir hilang kesabaran.


pagi ni
aku ke hilang an.
ego serta maruah


sekarang, aku = aku.

biar aku je
yang tahu kehidupan aku
biar aku sorang je
yang x suke kehidupan aku
there is no reason
for me to like,
to live,
to appreciate,
my own life
the terrible
full of lies,
this fucking life.


21 September, 2008


mood : smi~ling~
music : Better In Time - Leona Lewis

bodohbodohbodoh punye bas
benci kau.
2 kali rosak dalam 2 hari?
dua dua kali tu aku naik?? T.T
malang gile nasib aku T.T

Thursday, 18th September 2008

went out
wanted to buy a lappie (yippie~~)
a brand new
hp/compaq CQ40 115AU!!
well that is not my top priority tho >_>
the CQ40 125AX is my top
but oh well
over my budget
so.. u_u
pegi dengan adib (sankyu!)
sbb die pun nak beli RAM + graphic card
(no wonder nak teman skali >_>)
then balik kampus
ambik bas dari kampus ke kolej~
jimat sikit duit!

ku sangkakan panas di siang hari
(memang panas gile tahap meroyan aku)
rupanya petang tu tak ujan gak
(lagi buat aku saket ati.)
bas ROSAK? WTF???
dh lah susah nak naik bas tu TT.TT
kne brebut ngan org TT.TT
(kalau laki je takpe ah >_>)
what to do~~
jalan la kaki pulang dengan laptop tu
still agak happy tho lalala~

Friday, 19th September 2008

kelas tarak!
(siot dekan/fazlan bgtau last minit >_>
dh naik bas dh waktu tu TT.TT)
alang alang tu
terus gi lab
buat programming!
(software Borland C++)~
(Arip banyak tolong~ u//u)
then balik!
naik bas yg agak baru =D
interior dh mmg baru habes
(rase cam nak jadi orang perak pun ade gak
termasuk la vandalisme :>
*kanak kanak jangan tiru ya!*)


bas tu jahanam gak. >_>
setan tol
dh lah pukul 1230 lak tuh
mmg matahari terpacak ah atas kepale!
naseb ah si burn tu rajin nak blanje
panggil teksi =DDDDD
maka kami beredar
sambil 'bye bye ala princess' dkat bebdak pmpuan XDDDD

well aku nak bawak kete >_>
nak jugak >_>
tak kesah kete ape >_>
(ade kete ape gune kalau x bwak kan? XD)
well terserah kat papa la
kalau bagi,
rase cam dunia ni dah nak kiamat je~
kalau tak
*dh faham la sangat papa tu~*


gambar? banyak sgt u.u
si fazlan men amek je gamba orz
walaupun kamera vga je (luls u.u)
so gamba tu amat le teruk
(+ im not a fotogen(d)ik ;>)
malas nak upload >_>
rajen rajen letak ah xD
dh la gambar tu..
tga kalah racing nfs `~>_>
siot candid habis ah

takgune cakap banyak
nenanti ah upload~

Saturday, 20th September 2008

spend most of my time
trying to finish
(or dragonsakura idungiveadembouthat u.u)
jdrama yang tade cintan cintun (mwahahaha)
agak bes
ending die agak predictable
walaupun agak suprising
perempuan yg agak lawa dan kawaii u//u
hero yg agak huduh
from my point of view XD
well not the hero actually u.u
kire lead actor ah u_u
cikgu yang agak macho luls
dan ade yg kawaii u//u
aku tak hafal name derang 8D


14 September, 2008


mood :
music : amai yume - unicorn table

to who ever wished me.
semalam bz sgt
10 window ym terbukak
"hey happy birthday! ^O^/"
"hepi besday"
well im glad.
for me
this is the worst day ever.
the worst 14th September in my life
other than the 2005, of course.
this year is the most ppl wished me
aku tak tau
prefer the 2007 celebration
walaupun ade 2 orang je yang wish aku
- that is mE and amal
tapi that is one of the best time
in the whole year
walaupun taun lepas
tak dibenarkan bwak hp
tapi aku bwak gak
and aku dekat ostel lagi
charge pun curi curi
macam tade pe pun msg
bes sgt
sgt rindu zaman dulu
pepol change.
i wish they wouldnt

this is the 2nd year mama papa forgot to wish me on time.
taun lpas seminggu pastu baru wish.
taun ni? tah
tunggu je la
kte tunggu dan lihat.
aku tau
derang bz
dh lali dh pun
x kesah lah
mood aku teruk gile satu hari ni
tambah dgn hari hujan.
benci ah
semua org happy smbut bday
aku je
x happy
cam bodoh je


13 September, 2008

Sentimental Generation

mood : hungryyyy xO~
music : Kono Namida ga Aru Kara - Ami Tokito

mmg buat aku lapar
semue pun lapar kan?
lagi lagi
pkul 4.30 hingga 6.30
waktu kritikal
hadoi la

keluar gi beli kain kakak ngan mama
pergh x.x
prmpuan klau sopping
x hengat dunia!
nyesal lak ikut orz

pagi tadi =D
hehe =D~
mandi u.u;
bukan mandi biase tau =O
mnadi ngan sabun baru =D
bukan sabun biase =O
Temptation - Wickedly Hot Chocolate XDDDD~~
rase nk gigit je tgn lpas mandi orz
mmg bau hot chocolate
i mean
yg tga cair
pkat gile tu
sblom ni gune
Temptation - Sugar And Spice
yg ade bau cookies xDD~
mmg x leh than
seb baek pose "orz
lapaaaa X.x

malam ni Liverpool Vs Manchester United!
debut Berbatov! XD


Temptation - Sassy Strawberry Mint
Temptation - Wickedly Hot Chocolate

Temptation - Sugar And Spice (& evrything nice XD)

Body and Bath Work Temptation!

11 September, 2008


mood : swinging
music : Futari Ha Wasurechau - Ami Koshimizu, Mamiko Noto (Tsukamoto Sister)

tak tidur lagi
ape la nak jadi ngan aku nih u.u;
nnt mate jd cam pandaren brewmaster
nnt jd cam burn (faiz)
xmo aku u.u;;;;;;;
tgk bola
england lawan croatia =D
first skali agak mcam
england kalah
or a draw.
a 1-1 draw.
tgk tgk walcott score =DDDD
rooney assist XD
bes bes
first half croatia mmg power.
chuak seyh u.u;
tamau kcewa saat akhir
masuk seken half
england main ngan pnuh smgt
sbb leading kut
tapi england mng!
4-1 XD
kalau ref tu x buyers
msti dh 5-0 dh u.u
rooney score satu goal! XD
dan assist walcott ntok die dpat hatrik
go rooney! XD

besuk nye (arini)
pegi jual lappie
dgn scare official nye aku dh tade lappie =D
bye bye presario c700 XD
tunggu gaji 7-E masok
compaq CQ-40! <3333

asal aku post mcm ni?
pengaruh makcik dora lol
ah dora pinjam stail posting kamu!
mcm ni lg simple
sng je
tak susah org bace
tak susah kte menaip =D
aku gak sng
and oh
i use the new skin
dont want pepol tu comment me xD

lapaar x.x
ade adiah dlam kete kancil
blum deliver lagi orz
nnt ah
besuk besuk

ade gamba yakumo u//u
yakumo-chawwwnnn >///<
gamba ni die tak lawa
ade satu gamba
lawa gile!!!!111
gadis idaman u.u
yakumo egtkan aku kt somebody
and yakumo agak perfect
ade tak manusia mcm die?
dh tade dh =D

lapaaaa x.x

Pandaren Brewmatser

07 September, 2008

memory lane

music : Yuugao - Mamiko Noto
mood : terikat dengan memori

layout baru! aku sbnanye maseh suke lagi layout lame tapi rase cam inginkan perubahan orz so try la layout ni. aku try gune ni pun sbb die ade code2 yg aku x pernah gune~ well act layout ni aku dah familiar tapi.. tah cmbes lak lols

EDITED - sbb layout baru takleh comment, so gune ni dlu, till then

smlam kluar gi kl. kepale rase nk pecah punye pasal. bes bes! mengusek kenangan lalu sambil msg2 ngan amal~ *siot spam war v_v* dan aku sampai pagi ni asek duk terigt kesah2 lampau. mmg x bleh blah shiot

bday mE. die tableh online. ngehehe XD happy 1000000000000000000000th anni, oba-san!
mE/eL/tiang/pokok/etc yg nampak tinggi dan kurus (Rahillah)
Jumpe Pertama Kali
well first time i 'meet' her is actually on a forum, gforum u.u her spam banner invite me to another world of sengal - ness, [s.p.a.m.] inc! XD

Cakap Pertama Kali
mirc, channel #spam-inc u_u; first time masuk dh di ajar oleh vio, renz (dlm knangan) utk memanggil nya sbgai nenek/makcik/anything old u_u;
and that was the first day i got kick-ed, too. u_u;;;;

Outing Pertama
wellll, waktu anni spam kut luls XD at first ade Renz (dlam kenangan), Amal ngan mE je, but then sakusaku dtg, sarah etc, so cambest gak ah. and the first time mE handle sme, and it was CHAOTIC.

slamat berbukak pose, jgn nakal nakal, keje elek elok, dpat gaji blanje u_u;
*ur not 18 nemore, sdar le diri tu dh tue XD*

XD mcm2 lg jdi hari ni. tapi rase cam mlas nak tulis. XD
so tu je kuuut.

later minna~

03 September, 2008

Ticking Clocks

music : Aku Cinta Padamu - Sheila Majid, Viva La Vida - Coldplay, How Deep Is Your Love - Take That, Over My Head - The Fray
mood : -

→ Confusion never stops, closing walls and ticking clocks.

.. Aku tak tau, bagaimana nak start tulis blog kali ni. Banyak sangat benda jadi kat aku. WARNING : POST PANJANG. PENUH DENGAN LUAHAN EMOSI YANG TAK STABIL.

1st skali. laptop dh smpai. tapi still xdpat online. sbb xde time nak trun bwah untuk dpat connection wifi yg menarik nih window? vista. hadiah dari papa. well aku x puas hati actually dgn laptop ni, so aku nak tukar baru. duit aku sendiri. sorry papa

2nd. happy ramadhan to all my friends, yg bace mahupun x bace blog ni. maaf la sbb lmbat bg msg, baru je topap. walau ade yg cakap aku x egt tapi aku egt pe D:

3rdly. tak lame lagi dh nak syawal. awal2 lagi aku nak mintak ampun kalau ade salah. aku mmg slalu wat salah pun. tah aku dh cube kawal dh diri tapi hm~~

kenapa waktu aku agak semua dah elok, takde masalah dah, everything running just fine, according to plan, waktu tu la macam macam jadi. srysly, aku fedup. menyampah dah. aku tak tau nape aku baik sgt ngan kawan kawan aku. sengaje atau tak, tapi aku memang cmtu. tak tau le either diorang prasan tak kwujudan aku sbgai sahabat diorang. aku memang tak tahu la. kenapa aku nak sangat jadi baik ngan member2 aku? walaupun diorang mmg slalu sakitkan hati aku, tapi asal aku x kesah? bila aku try buat balik kat diorang bukan main touching lagi la. touching lembu, kuda, semua keluar. aku pun dah fedup, asek buat muke manis je. senyum. tapi hati.. banyak lagi ceritera tapi, aku rase malas nak ungkit.

hujan. renyai2. saje je aku tutup lampu. sejuk sangat. hujan selalu buat aku tak tentu kalu. aku tak tahu, kebelakangan ni aku emosi sangat. menyampah gile bile ingat balik.

tapi, dalam banyak2 emosi tu, emosi paling stabil aku ialah hyper. bukan hyper-hyperactive. tapi hyper, hyper tipu. tunjuk yang kite tga gile. padahal dalam hati tunggu taim je nak meletup.

betullll, sape kisah? orang mane prasan? orang yang bace post ni jela. aku tak harap ramai je yang bace. kalau bace pun buat pe nak ambik port kan? btul?
dengan mama papa pun mcm tu. asyik abang je diutamakan. seriyes.. walaupun dia lagi tua setaun, tapi setaun je kot. asyik utamakan dia. ape ape hal, abang menang.
kereta cmtu gak. dia yang dapat pilih. punto atau kancil. aku gak yang beralah. haih. takpe la, janji derang bahagia.

semalam, terpakse bukak pose sambil jalan. bas manade. derang bukak pose gak. tunggu bas dari pukul 6 smpai 7 x smpai, aku ambik decision sendiri jalan kaki.
bukak puase? seb baik situ ade petronas. dekat je ngan rumah amal. aku bawak 2ringgit. kongsi2 100 plus ngan member2 yg 6-7 org tu. botol kecik lak tu. aku? suku pun tadapat.

nak rase hardship? alasan papa mmg cmbest. takpe lah. betul gak. bila lagi kan aku boleh rase nyampah gile cmni kan? kadang2 je~ balik ni kalau mama tanya ade apa2 jd, aku jawab tade pe pun. srys. pastu kalau aku bgtau, mcm2 alasan bg. abg nnt jeles lah. itulah. inilah. abis dah die duduk BETUL2 SEBELAH LECTURE HALL. aku? jarak 40 minit kalau tak jem. sejam setengah kalau jem.
padahal kalau ade kete ade je short cut. bas x leh masuk. lg cpat. tapi, tu tinggal harapan je la. haha. biarla aku late pun bukak pose. mmg malas ah kalau ceritera bende2 ni kat umah. kalau x bgtau nnt ckap 'nape x bgtau?', kalau bgtau nnt, mcm2 alasan keluar. mcam air je kluar.

kalau mama nampak aku masam, jenuh dia pikir apsal aku masam. pastu malam tak leh tido. campur ngan bajet 2009 aritu, mama sampai tak balik rumah pe. tidur kat office. tak tidur pun kot. pasni ade outstation. pastu kne gi london.
meeting, meeting, outstation, balik lambat, gi oversea. NYAMPAH GILA AKU. aku dah terjerit jerit dah dalam bilik ni. seb baik rumet tade, gi 'Belajar' kuut. Mama, Papa, same je. kalau dlam seminggu tu tak dga perkataan tu, mmg solat sunat syukur lah aku. kenapa, duit mmg sgt perlu kan? btul~ aku pun AMAT perlukan duit skang.

tadi. pukul 1.30 ptg camtu diana call. dia cakap yang dia dapat offer gi mesir. Tahniah . tu je aku cakap. i mean, WHAT MORE CAN I SAY? mmg tu yg die nak.
under jpa. asal lambat sgt dpat? asal cpat sgt pegi? ah tu aku x ambik peduli. bukan urusan aku. Bulan 10 die dh bertolak. WTF??? nak je aku mencarut tadi. seb baik mulut aku x sejahat hati aku.

3 tahun? tak. 5 tahun OR MORE. Fuck. yes perkataan tu dah keluar. tolak pahale pose aku. and yeah, i was like, u know, hey okay la tu, bagus la, impian jadi kenyataan kan? and she sound very happy, very looking foward to it. see? tu la beza aku dgan dia. she is VERY AMBITIOUS. while me? haha. syukur je. redha je. dia cerite le, impiad die slame ni ape, start dari bile die ade impian, dia nak support mak dia yang sdg dlam kesusahan atas 'Belas Ikhsan' ayah dia. Bagus la. aku doakan je.

5 Years (or more).
another 1 Month to go.
do we have enough time?

The other night dear, as I lay sleeping,
I dreamed I held you in my arms,
but when I woke dear, I was mistaken,
and I hung my head and cried.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
you make me happy when skies are gray
you'll never know dear, how much I love you,
please don't take my sunshine away.

Ticking Clocks. - rotiTERbakar.-

02 September, 2008

tag(ed) lagi

las las ni jadi bukan blog dh, jd bulletin board. TAGGGEDD~~


1. Are you allowed to have a bf/gf?
its a big NO. tatau papa. but oh well, breaking rules baru rase adrenalin rush sket

2. Describe urself in one word.

3. Who would you pick to be saved, someone who really loves you, or the one you love?
the one i love

4. Have you ever loved someone BEFORE but never had the courage to tell him/her?

5. Does it feel good to love?
good and no, really

6. God is giving u just 5 more minutes before going back to heaven, IF you love someone special what will you say to that person?
~~~~~~~~~~ himitsu himitsu~

7. What will you say to someone who doesn't want to believe you?
ikut leee

8. Was ever a time that you tried to learn to love someone?

9. What' your opinion about someone who's jealous?
jeles tande syg? XD;;

10. What can you say about playboys/playgirls?
saaa.. u.u;


1. Best place to cry?
atas katil? sng tdo haha

2. Who do you love the most?
who? dia

3. Tell us ur dream last night?
haha saye mimpi saye mati *sariyes weh*

4. Ever hated someone so bad?
er, not really

5. The biggest & most hurtful lie you heard?
lets keep it as a secret~ dh lame maafkan dh pun

6.The last person you had a beer with?
lol smlm muvee 4 iklan arak D:

7.Went to the movies with?
rafique, ziqrie, abg. tgk cte ghost house. haram tade hantu pun. vuduh btul

8.talked on the cell phone with?

9.you yelled at?
aizati. haha padan muka

10.In the last week have you kissed someone?
tade sape sape

11.Danced crazy?
i hate dancing. XD

12.Think of the last time u were angry, why were u angry?
because that person cheated me and said that everything is going to be ok. YEAH RIGHT

13.If you could do anything OR wish anything, what would it be?
himitsu. tapi x mungkin punye la

14.If you could have an all expense paid trip, where will you go?

15.Would you or have you ever blackmailed someone?
tak kut

16.Are you old fashioned?
ha ah. so?

17. What would be harder for you, to tell someone you love them or that you do not love them back?
to tell smone you love them XD;; tah

18.What things would be the hardest thing for you to give up on?
lwan bola ngan pak su D:

5 Facts About Me:

→ they said that i cute - LOL.
→ they said that i very rude - so? u_u;
→ ppl always think i listen to rnb and HIPHOP and stuff, but truly enuf, i FHATE them. and i listen to Death Metal, Jrock, Jska, Metal, Jazz, Oldies
→ i am a very good living GPS dan bertauliah.
→ mmg sgt pentingkan kawan. tatau le, tp tu lah aku D:

Where i had my first kiss.
tade lagi

5 things that scares me :

→ family ku meninggal
→ org yg ku syg meninggal
→ bile aku tade duet
→ ps2 rosak. + streamyx buat hal
→ alone

7 Songs Playing in My Head Lately

→ yuugao - mamiko noto
→ minus - in flames
→ swinging - muramasa
→ in your face - children of bodom
→ hatebreeder - children of bodom
→ sentimental generation - ami tokito
→ hearts burst into fire - bullet for my valentine

5 Things I treasure in My Life.


7 Words/Things I Always Use :

things :


words :

amek kaw

i am tagging :

amal najaa
jaein si sengal ijau