music : Yume no Tsubomi - Remioromen
mood : excited jugak la. boring tho
hais, long time no update. haha. i updated it coz dah masuk UTM balik. orz
so here comes the boring-er life. more boring-er than before! why? well. now its officially only 10 ppl in my course. yep. 2DDZ cuma ada 10 orang. 10 PEOPLE FOR GAWD SAKE. ape yang nak dilihat dengan 10 orang je? balik2 muke same. well its not like im saying that 10 orang yg membosankan, tapi lagi membosankan dari then previously 19 people, last sem.
so now, the survivors is Burn, Adib, Dekan, Me, Didi, Nazrul, Dila, Izzaty, Qiba, and Fiqa. 6 guys 4 girls. well the only good thing happens is, JUNIOR! yay-ness! banyak girls yg cute xD some good looking, ade gak yang sombong-looking, so yeaahh. and guys. well. muke bebaik. ade gak muke skema. ade gak muke samseng. haha. well to sum up, 1DDZ 2009/2010 is 29. (x termasuk 2nd intake >_>) punyaaa la ghamai manusia. huih. bole buli senior la derang ni. D:
well tu kampus. now to the kolej life. pak guard is so shite. shite shite shite. mengade2. i tell you guys bout out new pak guard. yesterday me, bob and raf pegi anta my stuff at my room. nak masuk kolej tu, as usual, i flash my matrix card, but the pak guard suruh bawak turun tingkap. he took the matrix card and ask me,
"Sekarang ni tahun 2 sem 1 la kan?" I nod. then dia cakap
" Bagus, bagus. Tapi kan, tali dah ade, cume awak x reti menggunakan nya. " =_=; so i replied
"Em, nnt saya pakai." Coldly. tch. kecoh ah. then dia usha2 jap, pastu
"Emm.. rambut awak ni, agak -" "Xpe, nnt saye potong sket kat blakang tu. anything else?" slambe je aku potong.
"oh, jalan, jalan. "
and denga cte ade budak kene saman sebab cume tunjuk je kad matriks, x gantung. wtf? 25 ringgit do. byk tuu. haiyo. dulu tunjuk je, jalan. sng.
well enough about my college + campus life. to my holidays
SANGAT PUAS HATI. i mean, xla puas hati sangat. rasa malas sgt nak masuk college life balik. dah le ppl reduced to 10 ppl. hais.
pegi tgk Transformers tgah2 malam bute. xDDD got some fight with rafique, well, malas nak detail, but enough to make me scream at the middle of KL-PUTRAJAYA highway xDD turun kereta, ajak bob turun, then scream like hell xDD sampai hilang sore u.u; but agak sedih. well anyhow. malam tu kat pavvy ade jumpe lambo! x3 so i dared bob,
"Bob, pegi mintak izin tgkp gamba lambo tu." and he cooly walk and ask his permission
"Well why not! Go on, take ur time!" OMGGGGGG. so ktorang pun tgkp2 le gamba xDD then AWESOMELY, the owner said
"Bukak la pintu tu, jgn malu2" I
almost CANT BELIEVE MY EARS XDDD so ktorang (me and bob) tried to bukak the door
"eh bob, x leh pun bukak."
"dh ah kau kecik, tepi ah.
eh, x leh bukak ah"
"Tak boleh bukak ke? jap eh" The owner, pergi kat pintu tu and slowly bukak the door
"Kenapa amik this side? amik la the driver side~"
"Er, xpe la, kat sini pun jadi la" u.u;
memang la xboleh bukak pintu, tangan menggeletar kot xDDD
and everything went back to normal. so that is one of those amazing nights xP
next is on 2nd July, Rafique tanya about that saturday, 4th july, whether im free or not, i said, sure, why?
"Nak buat bday party sof, Im ajak"
oh okaay. jum jum jum
and later Friday, everything macam x jadik. so I persuade suruh go on jugak, bile lagi nak buat, even sue and bob nak datang. And Raf pun setelah satu petang aku bebel die, suruh Im go on jugak.
So that Saturday, ktorang meet at Secret Recipe Rawang at 8.40 pm, sambil tunggu "main course", Sofhatun Nur. XD then I tot about one thing. kalau kite lepak kat dalam, tunggu Sof masuk, x surprise laarrrr. So I told Sue, and Im suruh keluar dulu, menyorok mane2 dulu, tunggu Sof datang (Mak die hanta, subahat ngan ktorang xD) and surprise her.
Sof masuk, tgah2 pilih kek tu. then..
1,2,3 Happy Bday to youu~~
Sof muke xleh blah. muke WTH. xD
egt x jadi dah. pastu slowly muke tu berubah.
jadi muke ;_;
then T.T
then TTOTT
memang menangis gile2 la! XD
rase bersalah but yeah. dh buat dh pun. xD so duduk je, tunggu sof sme duduk, then tgk ape jadi. later sambil tunggu tu order la makanan, and snap some pictures xP later we went to runah sof untuk makan kek. and the surprise party dragging till 12 am xD besoknye diuploadkan lah sme gambar2 tu, and mostly Raf and Im dapat credit. well thanks to them la everything went okay and menjadi. and raf saying that dia lah yg buat sof menangis, and dialah yg buat surprise tu btol2 jadi. well kalau tunggu kat dlam SR tu xde la sampai sof menangis kot, but well, im just another random person thinking some random stuff and saying my idea, other ppl got the credit. well its not like i care sooo much bout that, just my rants xD
i don't care as long as people having that much fun. i don't care if im being credited, its not like i do that for the sake of *look, aizat yg buat ni. hebat la aizat! u are so awesome!* and stuff. i did it for my friends, biar have fun. kalau x pi buat malam tu (the original plan was doing it like, 2 weeks after her bday, WTF?) and kalau i x persuade Raf suruh buat that night, memang.. fill in the blank xD well ignore this part people xDD this is just some random thoughts.
oh and my lappie dh start buat prob. cannot read dvd/cd U_U baru beli balik dvd HIStory MJ.
oh and yeah. Micheal Jackson. addcited since 4y.o kot. hahaha. tgk TAPE HIStory die tu everytime balik kampung XD. now that hes gone baru sme org cari2 balik. well including me. haha. so rest in peace. may Allah bless you.